Founding Partner

Josh Liberman

Joshua (Josh) is the Founding Partner of Lumir Ventures.

Josh first began investing in venture capital in the mid-1990s, and since then, his venture capital investment portfolio has focused on digital businesses with global potential and includes recent unicorn investments in and Canva. 

In Israel, Josh has cultivated a deep business network over 20 years and has been a long-time proponent of doing business in the country.

The Liberman family purchased controlling stakes in Paz Oil and First International Bank which have at times both been ranked within the top 20 largest companies on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. 

Josh has led 10 investor missions to Israel where he has taken hundreds of business leaders to the country in order to promote cross-border business and investment.

Josh is currently Chairman of the Josh Liberman Investment Group (JLIG) and previously Chair of JLIG’s predecessor, LJCB Investment Group.

Josh is a co-founder and Chairman of CVS Lane Capital Partners, which currently has approximately $2 billion AUD in funds under management.

Whilst Josh’s home base is Melbourne, it is not uncommon for you to see him scooter past the Tel Aviv beach between meetings.

Josh Liberman